Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The name...

I chose the name 'Central Sanctuary' to reflect two things: the intersection of Christian ministry and the academic community.

'Central' is a reference to the university campus where I serve. Central Michigan University is one of several state schools here in Michigan. There are 20,000 students here, and the major programs are education and health professions. My wife and I really enjoy the football games here, and the team does pretty well too.

'Sanctuary' is a reference, in several ways, to the campus ministry which I serve. A sanctuary is a holy place where God makes himself present for his people, and that is most certainly a good description of Christ The King Lutheran Chapel. Our chapel is located literally in the geographic center of CMUs campus - thousands and thousands of students walk by every day when classes are in session. We are a sanctuary on this campus, a holy place, a place where God makes himself present to deliver the gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation won by his Son on the cross.

We are, truly, a 'Central Sanctuary;' an island in the midst of dubious waters - the surface is calm, but underneath there is a churning force at work all around us that strives to keep travelers from taking refuge in this holy place. Why are the waters so coarse around us? It could be for any number of reasons, but I believe that it is because we preach Christ and him crucified as the only Savior from sin, death, and hell. Still, it is to be expected. Academia has different goals and objectives from the Christian church. As the academy bends and reflects the culture, its goals change with it. Our calling, however, never changes. We are always here in the middle of it all to deliver Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins.

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