Monday, July 25, 2011

Back in the saddle again...again!

Well, it's been just over a month since the last post, and what can I say, this is an exercise in starting and restarting again.  There are some things knocking around in my head, and when they're ready to fall onto the keyboard, you'll see them here.

The last month has been a blur of family vacation, and Vacation Bible School at our church.  Now it is time to hunker down and focus on the coming academic year at Central Michigan University.  It is year six for me, and I am really looking forward to meeting the new group of students, and especially excited to see all of the returning students and catch up with them on their lives and what they've been up to this summer.  I'm also very excited about the planning for this coming year.  We have a lot of concrete ideas already, and I feel more organized at the start of this year than any previous year.  I pray that our efforts are well received by those to whom we are reaching out with the Good News of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection for the forgiveness of their sins, and I also pray for the leadership of our Lutheran Student Fellowship, who will be the engines that keep the activities going!

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